updated April 2024

Latetia (or Laticia) Rhine

Latetia was born in 1864, probably in Calcutta. She married William Joseph in 1882 and Lewis Keys in 1897. Latitia died in 1942, both her marriages and her death were in Calcutta.

Her name is "Latita" on the record of her marriage to William Joseph and "Laticia" on the marriage record with Lewis Keys.

William Joseph and Latitia had four children one son, Robert and three daughters, Grace, Delia and Mary.
Robert's name appears to have become "William Robert" at some stage.
The baptism records for Grace, Delia and Mary were all dated 16 May 1895 which was one week after their father died.
The cause of William (snr)'s death on 19 May 1895 was Small Pox.
Latitia married Lewis Keys two year's later in Calcutta.

Latetia's marriage records confirm her age and father's name (George).

One of the witnesses at Latetia and William's wedding was "C. Rhine".

When Latitia's brother, John Henry Rhine died, his son George Stanley Rhine, lived with Latitia and William Joseph's son, William Robert Joseph and his wife (Maggie Smith) for a period.

An interesting discovery is that Lewis Keys had a son, presumably before Lewis married Latitia, called John Ashley Keys.
John Ashley Keys married Mabel Rhine in Lahore in 1914, Mabel (née Kelly) was divorced from Latitia's brother, John Henry Rhine.
John and Mabel Keys had a daughter, Mary Magdalene Keys, born Nov 1915 in Rawalpindi.

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DNA matches have been discovered by ancestry.co.uk between a descendant of Latitia's brother John Henry Rhine and:

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